The first week is over.
Titania has been somewhat restless and wanted to dig further into
the hole in the garden, which she in her own mind had chosen as place
to give birth.
I wonder if the reason can be that she had a caesarean, and as such
did not experience the birth she was preparing herself for?
We do not know, but I did with my own eyes see that her stomach was
completely empty, so there is not more in there little Titania!
Otherwise everything has been quiet. But now things
are beginning to happen.
The spots are coming and 11 days old Poker Face opened as the first
one one of his eyes a little.
The milkbar is open and the puppies
do what they do best: EAT !.
Even on the paws spots are arriving..
I think these small fat puppylegs are very cute. |
Fat, full and comfortable
Polka Dot relaxing in the arms of Cecilie. |
Camilla with Pokerface
Cecilie loves animals - and here she is in heaven. |
Polka Dot the little beauty. |