Front page | Puppies
born 2/2-2006 - week 9 |
puppies are now 8 weeks old and they will soon be leaving home. They
have had their second health control at the vet and they have all been vaccinated. |
Toby found himself a new family and he will be leaving in 2 days already. | Tiger Lily sitting pretty. | |
Target playing hide and seek. | Titania and Target thinking about what to do next. | |
As the
puppies are now 8 weeks old it was time to go for a walk outside the gate.
We took Toby, Titbit and Tiger Lily. Toby was quite good and acted as if he had done this a lot of times. Titbit was hopeless and had to be carried most of the way. Tiger Lily discovered on the way home again what the whole idea was. |
has now found a new family and has already left
Triumph 8,5 weeks old | ||