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Lilli on tour

Lilli has been on tour both for obedience and shows. But after a humiliating experience, where Lilli decided to teach me a lesson her career as an obedience dog came to a sudden stop !

The lesson was to show me exactly HOW stubborn a Dalmatian can be (Jump that jump? - I don't think so!), HOW much they want to decide for themselves (Walk next to you - you say next to ? Nope, I want to walk 5 meters behind today) and HOW manipulative they can be (I know I learned the apport thing, but you did throw it out there yourself - you go get it! I don't want to do it today when that man is watching. But look ! I can roll over in stead ! I am SO good!) Her sense of humour never fails.

All this just to draw attention to herself and well knowing that she would get her Frolics anyhow...



Talking about me ?!??!??

- Shows   - Obedience tests
1996 3 shows: 2 x, 1 x 2. pr   - -
1997 3 shows: 1 x 1. pr, 2 x 2. pr   - -
1998 6 shows: 5 x 1. pr, 2 x CK, 1 x 2. pr   1998

6 tests with 2. price as best resultat

Obedience Dalmatian Of The Year !

1999 6 shows: 5 x 1. pr, 2 x CK, 1 x 2. pr   1999

5 tests - and finally the 1. prices came in house

Obedience Dalmatian Of The Year again !

2000 1 show: 1 x 1. pr   2000 3 tests - Debut in class 2 with a 2. price (very good- but then the HUMILIATION followed.....)
2001 4 shows: 2 x 1. pr, 1 x CK, 2 x 2. pr   - -