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April 09

Here you see Titania from February tihis year. She was young, georgeous and beautyful and became an International Champion when she was BOB and BIG3 at the CACIB show in Fredericia.

  And here she is in April - 7 weeks pregnant. You hardly think that it is the same dog. And will she ever be beautyful again ?!?!?
However she is not very big, so hopefully she will not have too big a litter.
At this time we can now feel life inside her stomach when we put our hands there.
April 09
Relaxing in the sofa corner atf Annette and Carsten. Nice with friends, where you can come with 3 dogs and still be welcomed! For some reason, Annette always claims that she will wait until the next day cleaning if she knows I am coming.
From left Annette and Nicoline with Chap behind them (Danish Swedish Gaardhund), Titania, and Marcus, Frederik and Evita (Cocker Spaniel), Alberte (Spinone Italiano), Boris, Pia and Gilbert (Chinese Crested)
April 09

Titania is quietly getting thicker and thicker, so I hope that she is with puppies. Give us a few more weeks, and we will be able to se for certain if the mating has produced the desired result.

She has not changed much in her manner. Still runs around like a tornado when she is on the riding school and playing with all her dog friends. A little thing, though. She does not take any crap from the males!

Even her brother Target got yelled at by her when they met in the context of her last exhibition before the expected birth - and they are otherwise the best friends in the world.

The exhibition (Malmo) was not particularly good for us, as Titania was definitely not on the top and was lax and uninterested. Perhaps another sign of pregnancy??

Titania (lying) and Target seen here beside.

Marts 09

From here we send a big Congratulations to Titania's sister and brother Tudor Rose and Target.

They have been in Berlin for an international exhibition. Tudor Rose became BOB and Target became BOS. Both with CACIB and both became Berlin Sieger 09

Extra fun because Titania was Sieger Berlin 08 and Boris Berlin Sieger 04!

Right Boris with cups from Berlin in 2004. Although he looks a little puzzled, I think that he was proud. I was at least!

Marts 09

This is just to show how a dog that does not understand the word NO will be looking. Boris has been sent away from the house during the time Titania was in heat. And now as the period is over it was time to get him back home again.

But of course he did not understand anything. He does not have the biggest brain. She was in heat the last time he saw her, so he just continued from there, without even trying to orientate himself first. So Titania had to say NO to make him stop. And she unfortunately bit him in the ear so there was a lot of blood.

When the hormones takes over in the head of a male dog the logic goes out. So when Titania was locked in another room he tried to mate Gilbet. Then Gilbert was sent to Titania. And then he tried to mate me !!

Now I clearly have made it clear to him that this is wrong and very bad behavior. So now he has given up on both me and Gilbert. But I guess it will be a couple of days before he can be together with Titania again. We are waiting for him to find his brain first............

March 09

We just returned from Sweden where Titania was mated to Jilloc's Sugardaddy.
Hopefully she now expects puppies - and it looks as if they are going to be born on my birthday the 5th of May ! Who could ask for a better birthday present as a basketfull of beautyful healty puppies.

We were in Sweden for 3 days.. Florence And Rune showed great hospitality and fed med well during my stay......

As they have 4 weeks old puppies by the time I did not want to live in their home even though I was offered to do so. It would not be nice to the mother of the puppies to move in with another bitch, so I stayed at a nearby hotel where I had the smallest room in the world I guess. Se the proof on the photo here where Titania is lying on the bet longing to go back to Sugardaddy.

Normally everything that Titania is involved in quickly turns in to a problem. But to be mated - that she wanted !!!

I enjoyed a couple of relaxed days, killing time with shopping - EVERYTHING is cheep in Sweden.

It was quite a long drive, and here is a few impressions from our neighbor land. I was impressed by the rocks along the road as we do not have that in Denmark.

February 09

We reached our goal before Titania is going to have puppies:
In the middle of February she got the tittle International Champion, as she won her last CACIB by being BOB (Best Of Breed) followed by BIG3 (3. best of the Group 6 breeds) in Fredericia. Her brother Target was best in oppisite sex.

14 days later we were in Groningen, Holland together with Mette and Target to see if we finally could win the last Dutch CAC. But no, nothing to us. But we had a very nice trip, living in a very fine hotel that even had its own entrance for guests with dogs. Titania and Gilbert unfurtunately could not behave themselves. They howled like wolves to the moon as soon as I left the room, so they had to be in the car instead when we went to the restaurant.

And then I behaved rather embarrasing at the show. Gilbert did not want to pee outside in the very very little area they gave us for that purpose. So I stood with Gilbert in his dalmatiansuit with swarowsky crystals and made quite a scene when I treathned to let him pee in the entrance hall if they would not let me go outside with him. In Holland the doors ars locked and you are not allowed to leave the show before it is over. But Gilbert was only a guest dog and as such he is normally allowed to go out and come back in. I had to speek with the president of the show and then Gilbert as the only dog was allowed to go outside and come back in. And I normally hate to draw attention to myself.

This is how an International Champion looks like
December 08 What a christmas gift !. Really useful !
My friend Sanne is married to a very good man - a handyman, and he produced a perfect puppynest for me.

Here it is closed for the pupies' first weeks


And here the front is open so that the puppies can get out and explore the world.
  I had 3 photomodels at hand. I think there will be plenty of space for Titania and her coming litter.
I want the puppies to come now ! But she will not be in heat until the middle of March. So I have to be patient. Although, we have already made a hot date with a handsome guy.....
/December 08

Both Titania and Gilbert were entered in the 2 days show in Kassel - a National and an International show.
On the first day Gilbert surprisingly won the Juniorclass (with 6 entries) and won a Junior CAC. Titania was no. 4 in Open Class. A result we could use for nothing....
The second day was the other way around. Gilbert was no. 3 in his class in the Chinese ring, but afterwards Titania succeded in winning her last German CAC when she won the Champion Class. So she is now German Champion and German Club Champion.
She missed out on the CACIB so the Internatinal championship will have to wait a little longer.

I have to tell that Titania has been busy again - as only she can be. At the hotel in Kassel she opened the door when she and Gilbert were alone in the room. And such a chance can not be ignored - so she took Gilbert to a little sightseeing to the restaurant to find their Mom. Was I embarassed when the receptionist came back with them saying that they disturbed the guests in the restaurant ? Gilbert with his tail high in the sky and with eyes ever so happy. And Titania very proud of herself ? YES !

A very busy showyear is now over. Titania and I have been to 23 shows. And on top of that a handful of shows where just Gilbert was entered.

Titanias showresults are updated here: Titania on tour

Next year will not be as busy as this regarding shows.
Titania is going to be mated in the spring so we will hopefully have our hands and paws full with at lot of puppies in stead.

Aug-Sep-Oct 08

We are busy with shows this year. But we also have time for agility. We practice once a week and it is the best time of the week for Titania ! She is a very active dog and on the agility field she can use all her power. She simply loves to jump.
Slalom has been a very big difficulty to her. She was simply far to fast and could not slow so much down in her brain that she had the time to figure out the problem. She just rushed through it all being at danger to everybody and most of all to herself. Even when we tried with just 2 or 3 slalom poles she did not undestand anything. But then the miracle happened ! We had not been able to practice for 3 weeks and I thought that we now would have to start all over again. But no ! TitTit dit it without any faults. She twisted in and out as if she had always known what to do. The only one that was not surprised was TitTit !! What just happened in her brain nobody knows but she has been able to run slalom ever since..........

July 08

Titania is in heat.
Boris totally lost his brains, so he had to be sent out of the house until it is over. But - besides driving everybody crazy - he also succeded in running away and suddenly showed up here at the front door demanding to get access his bitch.
Gilbert, who is supposed to be just a little innocent puppy stayed at home. But see what happned:


Gilberts hormons is fully developed. In contrast to his feeling for what he is expected to do. He knows that the interesting area is in the back, but he quickly runs to Titanias head and has been mating that all day long for a week now.


Titania gets frustrated and it almost seems as if she is trying to show the little fool what to do.
And then we see why he goes to the wrong end.........


"Stop that - don't take pictures.This is a private matter !"



Our summerholyday this year went to the World Winner Show in Stockholm to show Titania.

Titania never intended to go to Stockholm. She went through a lot of trouble to avoid it. First she was stuck to her cage with a paw and got an infection afterwards. She recovered fine from that, but when the nail grew out it was damaged and had to be removed in an operation only 10 days before Stockholm. It all went fine and everything looked great. But then she got sick from the penicillin and had diarrhoea until the day before we left home. And prior to that she was in perfect show condition which for her would be pretty slim. But now she was just plain thin. And on top of that she cut 2 paws when running in the forrest Wednesday ! But as she always has been a tough girl who does not want to show any signs of weakness she still came to Stockholm.

Saturday - on grass - she was not limping, but then again she was not running like she normally does. She only got a Very Good.
Sunday - at the World Winner Show - indoors on carpets - she ran up to normal standard smooth and energetic like always. The judge just happened to choose some other bitches. Titania got an Excellent and was among the last 8 bitches in a very big Open Class with 42 bitches.

Titanias brother Oriana's Traceable Target was no. 2 in Open Class witn an Excellent and won the res.CAC. There were 32 dogs entered in the class, so it was a very fine result.

June 08

Titania was BOB in Neumunster and won her 4th. CACIB. Judge was George Kostopoulos from Greece.
We always did not go there. But nearly in the last minute the swolling on her bad toe went away.
It was HOT in Neumunster. So hot that we did not have the power to use any money in the many shops. So it really was hot !!
Titania was finished, when the time for the Honor Ring came. She just wanted to lay down on her side and feel sorry for herself. So we did not win anything there.

Gilbert had his show debut the day before in Varde in Denmark. He was quite good. He was standing fine - had no problems with the judge examining him - and ran good too. He had a very fine critic and was Best Baby. You could brag a lot of this title - but the truth is that he was the only Chinese Crested baby..........

May 08 As my wise mother always says: One disaster never hits alone: "There will always be 3"

1. First Boris had to go to the vet with a broken nail. On this photo he has been licking and licking a whole week, so the paw has been miscoulored.
But the nail is beginning to look good again.

2. Then he went to vet again. This time with an infection in the ear.


3. Then Titania started to use money, too. She had an infection in a toe which made her walk on three legs.
April 08

25th of April my horse Bilie Jean held her 20th birthday. I have had her since birth. She was born out in my arms as her mother Bobby Jean chose to give birth to her standing up, so we had to catch the little foal.
Billie invited her friends to a birthdayparty on the riding shcool. Friends who have always been there for us when I have travelled to dogshows and needed someone to look after Billie Jean. We had a very nice day. Se photos here.

Titania is now a Danish Champion, as she won her last CAC in Svendborg. At the same time she became Swedish Champion.
So now both Titania and her sister Tudor Rose and brothers Target and Toffe all are Danish Champions at an age of 2 years and 2 months.

And we have been in Berlin, where Titania won her third CACIB. So now we will try to win one CACIB more so that Titania can become an International Champion. She now has CACIB in Denmark, Sweden and Germany. Show results for Titanis can be seen here.

But the biggest news for now is that Gilbert has arrived in the household!

March 08 Titania has been in Sweden. At an International show in Malmö.
She was best bitch and won a Swedish CAC and the CACIB
October 07 Titania and I have started with agility. It is just the sport for Titania. She is a very active dog and in agility she is using all her power. And she uses her head when she tries to figure out what all these new things are and what we expect from her. So she is very tired when we are home again. Just try it. It can be recomended!
May 07 Titania won her last Dutch Junior CAC under judge Frank Kane in Arnhem and she is now Dutch Juniorchampion.
April 07

Tessy was mated to Selwyn again and puppies were due in May to be born at Kennel Lots Of Spots, but sadly an ultrascan showed that she was empty.
Titanias show results has been updated. See Titania on tour

March 07

Titania went to Holland again. This time to Groningen. And she repeted the succes from Amsterdam and went Best Of Breed.
After that she should have left for Crufts in England, but her Pets Travel Scheme missed 3 days in fullfilling the 6 months rule. Her blood test had to be 6 months old to enter England and it was 5 month and 28 days..... So she had to stay at home.

February 07 Finally the 2 girls came in heat. Of course not at the same time. It would have been too easy for everybody. No, Tudor Rose came first and made the whole seance last for a whole month. She thought she was pretty delicious. After 3 weeks Titania started.
Poor Boris has gained back his figure from his youth because of all the stress. He retired in the end of 2006 and at once gained some extra pounds. Now we consider a come back........

December 06

We left December quietly and easy. We were at bit excited about New Years Eve with two new dogs in the house. But they gave us no reason to worry as they slept the whole evening. But the little cat Mis Daisy had a wonderful evening. She jumped from window to window to make sure she did not miss anything. She was quite fond of the fine light and all the big bangs. I guess that a cat who grows up among Dalmatians will not grow up to be normal......

Now we await two things: The new showseason - and that the two little girls finally get in heat for the first time.

November 06

November has been dominated by the fact that Lilli suddenly got ill and after a week where we were fighting for her we had to let her go and the vet put her to sleep. It is so very hard to loose a dog that you have been very close connected to. Lilli was a one mans dog and she woreshipped the ground I stepped on. She was very loved and is deeply missed.

November was also the month where Titania at 9 month of age was Best of Breed on the Amsterdam Winner Show and won the tittles Amsterdam Youth Winster and Amsterdam Winster. Se photos under Titania on tour