Front page | Puppies |
puppies was born 02.02.2006 and they will be ready to move to new
homes from 07.04.2006 Tessy had 12 puppies, but 2 were dead and 1 was put to sleep, so we now have: 4 liver dogs, 3 black bitches and 2 liver bitches Click here to see photos of the puppies and to follow them as they grow. Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5 - Week 6 - Week 7 - Week 8 - Week 9 Presenting the puppies 5 weeks old Mother
is Kennel Oriana's bitch Tessy, who has moved in with us for at couple
of months Tessy's
correct name is: She has been in Holland and was mated to: Spotnik's
Special Selection (Selwyn) Selwyn is the most winning Dalmatian in Europe ever. He has a wonderful calm and wellbalanced temper and he is father to a lot of puppies and to many champions. Kennel Oriana expects a lot from theese puppies both regarding temper and looks. |
Tessy |
Selwyn |